5 pairs of office sneakers you can wear this spring

Do you wear sneakers to work? As a professor, grad student, or teacher, there is a chance you work in an office where the line between business casual and casual style is murky! So, how to style comfy sneakers in the office? Here are a few pairs I love and how I would wear them.

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Universal Standard Style Club Box Review

If you loved Universal Standard’s mystery boxes you might love their new monthly style boxes, called US Club Boxes! Here is my review of their first box, and why I think it’s an improvement on the mystery boxes (hint: you can return them!). Plus, I have a discount code for you!

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Universal Standard clothing review: My thoughts on their jeans and tees!

If you’ve checked out Universal Standard before you know they have a unique size chart serving women’s sizes 00-40, which is awesome size inclusivity! But how do their clothes run and what’s the quality like? Here is my review so far, with a special focus on their jeans! Plus, a little discount code for you.

Continue reading “Universal Standard clothing review: My thoughts on their jeans and tees!”

Happy new underwear month.

Every January, I forgo traditional clothing purchases and instead put my budget toward bras and underwear. It is boring, but it makes me feel like I have my life together. Here are some good buys in those categories.

Continue reading “Happy new underwear month.”

8 Women’s Work Shoe Recommendations

It is time for the great women’s office shoe round-up of 2023. It’s actually long overdue, it’s just that shopping for business casual shoes is a drag. Finding work shoes with arch support that still feel stylish is even harder. So I bought way too many styles this month, and today I’m here to give you my thoughts!

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My Top 5 Basics for New Teachers

Last week someone asked me for my favorite basic clothing items for new professors/grad students. It was fun to think about my closet and draft my capsule wardrobe MVPs–here they are!

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Back to teacher shopping for professors and grad students: Old Navy try-ons

Hi all! I’m popping in today with some Old Navy options if you are shopping for back-to-school clothes for the 2023 school year. Sure, kids get the supply lists, college students get the dorm stuff, but professors and grad students also sometimes need new outfits to teach in!

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Reader Questions! An academic professor capsule wardrobe

Today’s reader question is about how to build a women’s professor/teacher capsule wardrobe that would work for the year! Here’s what I would shop for if I was starting out as a new graduate student or professor looking for academic fashion!

Continue reading “Reader Questions! An academic professor capsule wardrobe”

4 summer non-layers, aka accessories that add dimension to your outfit

In summer, I really miss layering. I get tired of wearing a tee and shorts over and over and start looking for ways to make that feel more styled like an outfit. In place of many layers, I have started to rely on more accessories. Here are a few I have my eye on for summer 2023!

Continue reading “4 summer non-layers, aka accessories that add dimension to your outfit”