Write daily: 3 ways I deal with weekend guilt

Hello fellow writers. Todays post is not at all inspired by me sitting at my kitchen table on Sunday stressed about tomorrow’s tasks. I mean, I have a daily writing habit now, so I never experience guilt or the stress of “I should be writing,” right?! Hah. Academic work ethic guilt runs deep and does not go away just because you’ve realigned your habits, so today I’m talking about 3 things I do to deal with stress on my days off!

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Writing daily FAQ: “How do you know how long projects will take?”

Continuing my academic writing habits series this week with a common question I get about writing every day: How do you know how long it will take to finish a project or journal submission? Let me introduce you to: time tracking!

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How do you celebrate yourself?

I’ve recently come to the understanding that I am pretty bad at celebrating professional accomplishments. Academic life is a long stream of asking “are we there yet” about your research, so I believe it’s important to schedule some stop points for joy. Which leads me to ask: How do you celebrate yourself??

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Writing daily FAQ: “How do you know what to write every day?”

Hi friends! I am starting a little series of follow ups to my “how I write everyday” post because I get some questions about how writing daily works for me. Today, let’s talk about the dreaded moment where you sit down to stare at the blank word document: How do you know what to write every day.

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How I take weekends off as an academic

Hi friends! Today I want to talk about a practice that I really, really value, but spent most of grad school being very, very bad at: taking time off from working. I feel like it’s pretty common advice that academics should “take at least one day off a week” but it’s hard to go against the culture of constant work! So let’s talk about HOW I actually became a person who takes weekends off and maybe we can all crowd source some tips for valuing and taking needed rest breaks.

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How I organize my writing projects

It’s the start of a new semester so I thought it was about time to update my ramblings about how I organize writing projects as an academic. One of the joys of a professor job is the “freedom” to work on projects you like when you like to work on them. But as we know that’s also a curse and means it’s easy to work all the time with no breaks. So today I’m talking about how I use organization to achieve a bit more work life balance. Here we go!

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Career Talk: How I stopped being the office helpline

Do you field multiple texts a week from coworkers asking you for basic information? Do you dig things out of your inbox that most assuredly landed in theirs just to forward them info they missed? Do you find yourself linking the company website, tech tutorials, and other Google-able information to people who won’t go get it themselves? Fellow female faculty members, you know what I’m talking about. I used to do this, too. Before I made a decision…

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