Simple professor work outfits: Week 4

Welcome back to simple autumn business casual outfits–week 4! This week I tried to incorporate some new 2021 fall trends and kept it academia chic (maybe not ‘dark academia,’ though… is light academia a thing? Regular academia?). Anyway. Here are 5 more outfits!

Retro vibes + caramel colors

This outfit was a nice dose of sunshine with the warm flats and blazer. I don’t typically pair fun with fun in my closet, but that’s what adding a multicolor striped tee felt like. I found this shirt at the thrift store for a $1 and I can’t believe how much I wear it. You never know what will become a repeat favorite!


Tee (secondhand, similar)

Pants (get $25 off your order with code REBECCA25)


Mixing neutrals

Ok ok one thing I’m trying to do more this winter is mix gray with all my tan, brown, and black neutrals. I haven’t owned anything gray for a few years because when I went extreme capsule wardrobe I thought I needed to pick a few neutral colors and stick with them, but I think mixing it up a bit can feel refreshing, even when you’re in basic colors. Once again, this is a tee I’ve been grabbing a lot to break up the rest of my closet (and you can hear about why it’s the best tee here).

Blazer (secondhand, similar)



Boots (goes without saying–I found these on extreme sale)


Faux wrap sweater + minimalist belt

This is probably the oldest sweater I own! I remember so distinctly buying it in H&M in…2015? And it’s stuck around ever since for being the perfect AC layer. It doesn’t feel new and shiny to me but giving it a wrap vibe with this belt made it feel brand new to me. This outfit is simple but maybe my favorite of the whole month! I don’t even know why. I’m a boring soul 🙂

Sweater (old, similar)




Layered up summer dress

Listen, when I learn a new styling trick I’m just going to repeat it, ok? I have seen a resurgence in belted blazers for fall this year. The last time I wore a belt up on my waist like this the year was 2009 and we were putting giant chunky elastic belts over our long Old Navy cardigans. Everything old is new again!!


Belt (more affordable version!)

Dress (old, this year’s version)



Oversized with spiky boots

Friday style this week was a big drapey shirt, my favorite distressed jeans that are still totally ok at work, and the exclamation point version of a boot!

Shirt (15% off with code PHDINCLOTHES15)


Boots (secondhand, similar)

Bag (secondhand, search ‘form bag’ on Poshmark)

Hope you have a good week! Did you miss the other weeks of professor style? Here’s 1, 2, and 3. Or see my January outfits here!

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3 thoughts on “Simple professor work outfits: Week 4”

  1. Agree that the sweater outfit + belt is my favorite too. Something about how the black belt matches with the black pants and really pulls the look together…

    Liked by 1 person

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